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Workouts for 8/30 - 9/5

Writer's picture: Jaime MacDonaldJaime MacDonald

Updated: Sep 5, 2021

Monday 8/30


3 Rounds

400m Run

21 KB Swings (American)

12 Pull-ups



MIN1: 10 Weighted Glute Bridges (medball, plate)

MIN2: 15 Plate Sit-Ups

MIN3: 10 Burpee Med-ball Slams

MIN4: 16 Russian Twists (R+L =1 rep) (32 total)


Accessory Work:

Accumulate 25 Banded Face Pulls

Accumulate 25 Pallof Presses (per side)

Accumulate 25 Lat pull-downs

Tuesday 8/31

DB Front Foot Elevated Reverse Lunge

3 x 10-12 reps (split reps per side)

Supinated Grip BB Bent-over Row

3 x 10-12 reps

Alternate between the movements each round.



5 T2B

10 SA KB Swing

20 DU (40 singles)


Tabata x 4 (8 tabatas each)

Hollow Rock

Flutter Kicks

Seated Leg Lifts (up & down)

Seated Leg Lifts (side to side)

*Rest 1MIN between each movement*

Wednesday 9/1

15MIN to work to a heavy set of 3 Bench Press


EMOM20 (5 Rounds)

MIN1: Max KB Swings

MIN2: Max KB Push Press [:30 (R) / :30 (L)]

MIN3: Max KB Goblet Squats

MIN4: Rest

*Challenge yourself with the max reps and try to stay consistent every round*

Thursday 9/2

1 Mile Run

50 DB Snatches (25/25)

50 Burpees Box Jumps

50 Pull-Ups (Kips ok!) > Ring Rows

50 DB Front Squats

1 Mile Run

*45MIN Cap

Modify the reps as you need to. Lower them or break up the reps (ie: 5,5,5,5 x 10 rounds etc)

Friday 9/3

Teams of 2-3

3 Rounds for Time

30 Cals

30 Hang Squat Cleans

400m Run (run together)*

100 Wall Balls

400m Run (run together)*

30 Burpees**

30 Deadlifts

Spice it up?

*Pass a Med Ball back and forth*

**Burpees over BB or other equipment used for DL**

45MIN cap

Saturday 9/4

9AM - Coaches Choice

Sunday 9/5


MIN1: 4 Alt Single Arm Man Makers + 8 Jump Overs*

MIN2: 4 Alt Single Arm Devil Press + 8 Jump Overs*

*jump overs = over DB and back*


6 Rounds for Time

60 Double Unders > 120 Single Unders

30 KB Swings

15 Burpees

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