Congratulations to Brianna Lysiak, our MEMBER OF THE MONTH! Bri is a consistent early morning class attendee and always show up ready to work. Our favorite random fact about Bri is her beautiful collection of feathered friends she's had over the years. Read on for a little more about Brianna!

What’s your favorite achievement since becoming a member of CFCA?
Clean and jerking 120# recently! Failed a few times but kept trying with coaches support and did it! I’ve also recently have been able to RX a few workouts and that feels AMAZING.
What was your first concert?
Don’t laugh- Lil Bow Wow!
What is your favorite lift?
Strict press.
Favorite WOD and least favorite WOD?
Favorite WOD is Murph because it feels patriotic and I love how we do it as a team every year with many modifications. Least favorite is Fran because thrusters suck and I can’t do pull ups yeetttttt. (We love a good growth mindset here at CFCA...thanks for that reminder Bri!)
What is your current, favorite workout song that gets you going?
“Fitness” by Lizzo.
What advice would you give to new members?
Just show up! A bad workout is better than no workout at all. Everything can be scaled or modified. We ALL started somewhere.