Monday 11/2
3 Rounds
1 Round “Kelly”
1 Round “Helen”
30 Box Jumps
30 Wall Balls
21 KB Swings
12 Pull-Ups
*40 MIN Cap*
Long grind….so keep the pace steady. No need to rush out of the gate and gas too early.
MODS: Step-Ups can be subbed for Box Jumps; Headcutters, Goblet Squats or Air Squats can be subbed for Wall Balls. Ring Rows can be subbed for Pull-ups.
Tuesday 11/3
Option 1:
20 MINS for Quality
Work to a Heavy Set of 3 Deadlifts
Option 2:
MIN1: 5-10 Deadlifts
MIN2: Rest
For Completion
Hill Loop > 1000m Row/Ski
30 Deadlifts
50 Burpees over the bar
MODS: Hill Loop can be anywhere from 5-6MIN or so. Do cardio effort of your choice for that portion of part 2 of no access machine or can’t make it to the gym.
Wednesday 11/4
3 Rounds
15/10 Cals
Max Sit-Ups in remaining time
*Rest 1 MIN between each round*
3 Rounds
15/10 Cals
Max KB Swings in remaining time
*Rest 1MIN between each round*
3 Rounds
15/10 Cals
Max Plate Burpees in remaining time
*Rest 1MIN between each round*
MODS: 15/10 Cals should take about a minute. If you don’t have a machine, 1MIN cardio of your choice can be done instead of cals.
Thursday 11/5
Movement Review & Warm up to weight
15/10 Cals
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Cleans
6 Push Press
No more than 95/65 on the bar! Move FAST without sacrificing FORM! DB/KBs are also great options here as well!
Core Circuit - Coaches Choice
MODs: Cals is equal to a minute or so. If no machine then sub in a cardio effort of choice for 1MIN
Friday 11/6
5 x 10-15 Reps (around every 2 mins)
DB/KB Bench Press (from floor)
*option to add glute bridge*
4 Rounds or 15MINS
12 Single Arm OH Lunges (R)
12 Single Arm OH Lunges (L)
6 Single Arm Snatch (R)
6 Single Arm Snatch (L)
Saturday 11/7
9AM (INDOORS @ CFCA) - Coaches Choice
Sunday 11/8
20MIN to Complete:
1000m (Hill Loop)
5 Burpee Box Jumps
800m (Flat + 200m
10 Burpee Box Jumps
600 (Flat Loop)
15 Burpee Box Jumps
20 Burpee Box Jumps
10MIN Continuous Clock*
2MIN Max Plank Hold
2MIN Max Sit-Ups
2MIN Max Hollow Hold
2MIN Max Max Russian Twists
2MIN Max Plank Rotations (alt sides each rep)
*Accumulate reps or seconds in the 2MIN sections per movement. Rest when needed and then jump right back in
MODs: Burpee Step-ups or regular burpees can be subbed in for part 1