We love a good party! Our CFCA community recently got together to celebrate a year filled with PR's, cheer and FUNctional fitness. The annual CFCA holiday party is always a good time! Reindeer games, good people and good food - what more do you need?!
A big thank you to everyone who was in attendance and who is a part of our CFCA community. Thank you for showing up every day. Thank you for being awesome! We can't wait to see what 2024 brings.

Our amazing owner and coach Kara also announced the winner of the Conant Spirit Award. This prestigious award is given out to a CFCA member who best exemplifies what the gym is all about. The criteria is simple: be a team player, be coachable, smile, have fun and train inside the gym so you can enjoy your life outside the gym. It's no secret that we have the BEST community around so picking a winner every year can be extremely tricky. But not this year. Randy has been a member of CFCA for a long time. He has brought friends and family to CFCA. He gives back to the community as a volunteer coach and is a well-known pickleball assassin! A big congratulations to Randy! Well deserved.

Other awards included:
Most likely to be coming from Pickleball: Craig
Most likely to be going to Pickleball: Cathy
CFCA Gym Ninja: Billy
Best case of the Mondays: Brianna
Pound of pound strongest couple: Newlyweds Lindsay and Gus
Best Gym Meme: Rich
Boss of burpees: Kerry
Best Bed Head: Troy
Another really big accomplishment at CFCA is being a member of the Committed Club! Members can join the CC by attending 12 or more classes a month. A big CONGRATS goes to Brianna, Seamus, Mary and Sonja for being in the CC for 24 straight months!

We hope everyone enjoys the holiday season! Gear up for 2024. It's going to be a great one! We love you all!