Who doesn't love a good strength cycle? Our members have really been shining lately - especially Katherine! She hit some serious PR's in our last lifting cycle and continues to be on the women's leaderboard for mostly all of our weightlifting categories. One of the bes things about her is her modesty. Not only does she have the best attitude, she checks her ego at the door and works hard. We love that about her! Katherine is super coachable and is always looking for ways to get better. We are looking forward to seeing what 2023 has in store for you! Congrats! #CFCA4LIFE

What's your favorite achievement since becoming a member of CFCA? Recently, my favorite achievement is my front squat PR! Overall, I’m really proud of consistently showing up, pushing myself every class, and continuing to to set higher goals for lifts.
What was your first concert? NSYNC
What is your favorite lift? Squats and deadlifts
Favorite WOD and least favorite WOD? Favorite is any workout with barbells. Least favorite is anything with burpees. (Seems to be a theme for our members. Sorry athletes - burpees aren't going anywhere!)
What is your current, favorite workout song that gets you going? Thunderstruck by AC/DC
What is your favorite thing about the CFCA community? Everyone is welcoming and encouraging. It’s really a great group!
What advice would you give new members? Just show up and do what you can. It’s okay to try and fail - failure is part of the process.