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Jonathan is the quiet assassin of crushing goals. He's been so consistent since day one and it has definitely shown. As an integral member of the champion JD's All-Stars, Jonathan is seeing more and more progress and feels better and more capable in everyday life.

"The work I put in the gym is meaningfully improving how I feel and live outside the gym."

Looking to partner up with Jonathan for a WOD? You can usually find him getting his sweat on in the afternoons. Congrats, Jonathan! Welcome to the club! #cfca4life

What's your favorite achievement since becoming a member of CFCA?

Doing the Open workouts (scaled). I didn't know what to expect and was nervous that I would really flop, but I was happy with how I performed. Seeing my numbers next to the tens of thousands of other athletes definitely inspires me to get better!

What would be your walk up song?

Thunderstruck by AC/DC

What is your favorite lift?

It changes. Right now it is power cleans.

Favorite WOD and least favorite WOD?

Favorite: 50/20 Power Cleans Least favorite: Anything with handstand pushups

What is one item you can't live without?

A goal.

What is next on your travel bucket list?

I love to explore new places - next stop Helsinki in the fall.

What is your favorite thing about the CFCA community?

So many awesome aspects of being a member: the camaraderie of the group, the variety of the workouts, learning new things from different coaches. My favorite part though is that I get an hour to be in the moment and focus on just one thing - enjoying a good workout.

What advice would you give new members?

Focus on being consistent over what your 1 rep max is. Consistency will lead to more progress.

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