Our rad members continue to impress us with their efforts outside of the gym. This is the perfect time of year for rowing, running, dodgeball and whatever else you can come up with! We are very fortunate to have access to some of the most beautiful locations around.
One of the best 5K's of the year was back after a two-year hiatus. The Fiesta 5K! It is consistently well attended by our members and is a great way to kick off an epic weekend in Gloucester. Whether you were running for a PR record or pushing your favorite little in a stroller, hats off to you for completing the race. This also worked out well for members competing in our Run-a-Mile-a-Day in June challenge.

Coach Dianne teamed up with her superstar niece, Shae, to participate in the Appleman Triathlon in Littleton, MA. Running is definitely in their genes! Shae is heading to Northeastern to run while her BY Garrett will be crushing it for the Brandeis track team. And who doesn't love celebrating with a bottle of syrup!

Mary continues to show off her passion for hiking. This time, she traveled to Ireland and represented CFCA in style! Not a bad view, Mary!

The Spartan Squad was back at it again this summer! You may even recognize some of these familiar faces. Congrats to our bro squad - Coach Chris, Coach Mark and Mike S. on another successful finish.

Speaking of Coach Mark...a huge shout out to him for organizing our first sport night of the summer. We know it's a tricky time of year to get everyone together but we are going to keep trying. Nothing beats a fun game of kickball, a sunset, friends and some libations. Stay tuned for our next night out.

What OTG stuff have you been up to? Let us know! Consistency and progress in the gym can always mean more activities and cool stuff outside of the gym!