Monday 11/16
Review Movements & Warm up to Working Weight for the Workout.
(should be the same weight for all barbell movements)
AMRAP3 x 5 (5 Rounds)
5-10 Pull-Ups (Kips ok!)
10 Barbell*
*1MIN Rest (all rest after 3 mins together)
Barbell Work:
Round 1: Deadlifts
Round 2: Hang Power Cleans
Round 3: Front Squats
Round 4: Clean & Jerks
Round 5: Thrusters
Core Circuit - Coaches Choice
MODS: Ring Rows can be subbed for pull-ups, DB or KBs can be used for the “barbell” movements
Tuesday 11/17
MIN1: 100m (Run/Row/Ski) > 10 Burpees > 10 Cals AD
MIN2: 20 Renegade Rows > Plank Shoulder Taps
MIN3: :30 Pull-Ups > Ring Rows > DB/KB Bent Rows
MIN4: 10-15 DB/KB Strict Press > Push-Ups
MIN5: :30 DUs > Single Unders or Mimic hops
You should be working around :30 for each including the non-timed movements in order to get rest, so modify in needed.
MODs: Noted above
Wednesday 11/18
6 rounds:
:30 on / :30 off
Double Under or Double Under Practice
MIN1: 15/10 Cals
MIN2:. 20 Kettlebell swings
MIN3: 30 DU’s > 90 Singles
Alternating Tabata:
Ring Push-ups > Standard Push-ups
Ring plank > Plank
Alternating Tabata:
Single leg V-ups (alt side each rep)
Hollow hold
MODS: For Part 1 if you aren't able to jump, you can do :30 of work on a machine / :30 off. For Part 2, the 15/10 Cals are equal to about 1MIN so insert cardio of choice there
Thursday 11/19
30MIN for Quality
TGU for 15MIN
1-3 Repeating Ladder
*rest intuitively
½ Kneeling Bottoms Up KB Press for 15MIN
(Also can be done seated on box)
1-3 Repeating Ladder
*rest intuitively
MODS: DB or KBs can be used. If KB bottoms up presses are too difficult for you, just do standard presses (kneeling)
Friday 11/20
1 Hang Power Snatch
2 OH Reverse Lunges
3 Cals
*Add 1,2,3 reps each round
(i.e. RD1: 1,2,3 RD2: 2,4,6 …..3,6,9 etc.
Core Circuit - Coaches Choice
MODs: This can be done with DB/KB and also done single arm as well. Just do the reps on both sides before moving to the next movement (1,1, 2,2, and then 3 Cals etc)
Saturday 11/21
9AM (INDOORS) - Coaches Choice
Sunday 11/22
15/10 Cals
10 DB Snatches
5 Burpees over the DB
(You must stay in your own POD and have your own equipment!)
1 works / 1 rests