Monday 10/26
MIN 1: Max DB/KB Seated See Saw PressÂ
MIN 2: Max DB/KB Bent Over Rows
MIN 3: Max DB/KB OH Hold
*Max = to failure *
3 Rounds
:45 on / :15 off
Single Leg Deadlift (R)
Single Leg Deadlift (L)
Plank DragÂ
TGU Sit-Up (R)
TGU Sit-Up (L)
Tuesday 10/27
10 Inchworm to Push-Up & back to a KB Deadlift
20 DB/KB SA Push Press (10/10)
30 DB/KB Goblet Step-Ups (15/15)
40 DB/KB SA Hang Cleans (20/20)
50 Double Unders > 100 Single Unders
Flat Loop > 600mÂ
MODs for Zoom/Outdoor/Otherwise: Jump Roping can be subbed for line hops for mimic jumps, 600m = around 4MINS of cardio of choice.Â
Wednesday 10/28
Row/Ski/AD for Max Cals
Every 3MIN (alternate between the following):
3 Ring/Bar Dips > 5 Push-Ups (@MIN 3)
6 Plate Burpees > Burpees (@MIN 6)
9 Weighted Sit-Ups > 18 Sit-Ups (no #) (@MIN 9)
*go back to dips (@MIN 12), burpees (@MIN 15) and so on
MODs for Zoom/Outdoor/Otherwise: note subs aboveÂ
Thursday 10/29
1 Front Squat
1 Reverse Lunge (R)
1 Reverse Lunge (L)
1 Front Squat
12MIN Ladder
3 Push-Ups
3 KB Swings
3 Goblet Squats
*Add 3 Rep to each movement each round*
Core Circuit - Coach Choice
Friday 10/30
*Establish a number you can hit around 45 seconds and try to maintain throughout the entire 10MINS
4 rounds for time
400m Run
10 Single Arm Devil’s Press (5/5)
20 Weighted Sit-Ups
MODs for Zoom/Outdoor/Otherwise: If you don’t have a machine to use, do Max burpees or other type of cardio of choice. Devils Press can be modified to regular burpees moodÂ
Saturday 10/31
8AM (INDOORS @ CFCA) - Coaches Choice
Sunday 11/1
2K Row/Ski > 200 Cals
50 Weighted Step-Ups
50 KB Swings
1000m Row/Ski > 100 Cals
30 Weighted Step-Ups
30 KB Swings
500m Row/Ski > 50 Cals
20 Weighted Step-Ups
20 KB Swings
MODs for Zoom/Outdoor/Otherwise: 2k = around 8-10MIN, 1k = 4-5MIN and 500m = 2MIN or so. Sub in cardio of choice here.Â