Monday 9/7
9AM Labor Day TEAM @ Whit & Kev’s house - PANCAKE BREAKFAST TO FOLLOW!
Tuesday 9/8
5 Rounds
10 KB Single Leg Deadlift (R)
:30 Suitcase Hold @ top of 10th rep (R)
20 Sit Ups
10 KB Single Leg Deadlift (L)
:30 Suitcase Hold @ top of 10th rep (L)
20 - 15 - 10
Burpee Box Jumps
*High volume deadlifts, choose weight that you can do at least 10 unbroken and be able to move quickly without losing form.
Wednesday 9/9
Hill Loop (1000m > 100cals)
30 Pull-Ups > 40 Ring Rows
Hill Loop (1000m > 100cals)
30 Devils Press > Plate Burpees
Hill Loop (1000m > 100cals)
30 Toes 2 Bar or Rings > Weighted Sit-Ups
Hill Loop (1000m > 100cals)
*30 Min Cap*
Thursday 9/10
5 Sets x 5 (each side)
Half Kneeling Press
4 Rounds
20 Goblet Lunges (10/10)
15/10 Cals
20 Single Arm Shoulder to Overhead (10/10)
*Rest 1 MIN between rounds*
Can sub 200m for cals
Friday 9/11
Saturday 9/12
8AM at Stage Fort Park - Coaches Choice
Sunday 9/13
8AM at Stage Fort Park - Coaches Choice